Eerie hostel
A brief description of the hostel that am staying in - Bjerke Studentby
The main door to the building is an automated sensor door which has all the room number buzzer. For visitors' convenience I guess. The next door will then require key for entering. Our lobby has letterboxes and phone booth and some what-nots that I have yet discover. Then key is needed again to enter the elevator lobby.
Now to the outdated elevator. It's on MANUAL, mind you! the 1st kinda elevator i've ever seen!! There aren't any open nor close buttons k! Amazing huh? The door is opened by our bare human hands and the door's heaviness will shut it in. AFterwhich, the door when sensing no one is too near the door, it'll start operating - moving to the desired storeys. WOW. How lame is that?
Then you'll enter into the door with your keys to the right 'apartment' that has all the different rooms and a kitchen. Each floor has 3 of such 'apartment's. Why 3? B'cos this old yet artistic hostel is a triangular building! Each of this 'apartment' has about 5 doors. 2 of which are single rooms, other 3 are individual rooms with shared bathroom between 2 persons. So your key will go to the right door and opens to your room and your neighbour. The last door is to own room, of course! Toilet can't be locked from outside, so dah! Oh yesh, the kitchen/pantry requires your key to open too!
One key to SO MANY doors! No wonder it causes 1000NOK for lost of key!
Below shows the common door shared by me and my African guy neighbor on the left, the right will of course be the bathroom.
Below shows the closeness of the 2 doors. Cant even take a pic of the corridor when I'm behind the common door! So small the space indeed! Mine is to the left, with my orange towel. Dare not use my toilet yet.
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