Tonight is the second time I brought w.o.r.k. home. Not the typical work work, but the 'tutorial' given by Fatherly Boss. Read books after books, thesis after thesis. Goodness, and shamefully realised how much I had "given back" to the school, despite being an undergrad. I've forgotten where is the metacentric height distanced, the measuring of distance from the altitude of stars and latitude of location etc.
Sidenote 1: Zheng He was the Chief Court eunuch.
Sidenote 2: Fatherly Boss is the leader of the Friends of Admiral Zheng He.
Gosh, I'm SO in love with maritime. (heh heh)
Happy happy thing is meeting the SnailyCLub's snailys tomorrow:) It'll be an evening of gossips and laments and laughter and gloating!!! We are some scary women (all passed 21) to be with.
Internship's been good thus far. Crazy intern-mate, Miss Low (close relative of our Career Affairs' Mdm Low), met up (and will have more meet-ups) with Miss DTang and hohoho met Eric and Kevin for my belated dinner treat and a pair of shoes. These 2 guys owed me for more than a year! Guys, can't be trusted -.-
TO HEDE SUMMER SBWR OUTING PLANNERS: Jiayou Jiayou Jiayou! Thanks for helping Hx in the planning and all :)
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