A day with a 27...
Goodwood Park Hotel
Had: King of Krandy (nothing special), Sherry Trifle (aka The Old-Time Favourite) and local fruit King - Durian Crepes! totally Yummilious. Fresh durian flesh wrapped in crepes, durian icecream and decorated with durian sauce. *-*
A real pity they no longer serve Durian BUFFET.
He and his every pose.
The Ultimate Penthouse Spa
along came with these...
Totally Taitai and Taigong the whole time.
Totally clean and smooth and refresh after the massage and scrub.
Totally vegetarian whole day and night.
Totally us. (the squabbles and glares at each other were not even excused)
and I Totally forgot about the "cake-blowing" segment.
Despite all,
* Satisfied *
Hi love love..
hAven't been very good & nice of me and I really appreciate all e things you've done and thought of for the "stupid" me..
Regretted some actions.. and hmm.. feel like huggin u tite now.. though u r slpin hopefully sweet now..
Looking forward to this comin Sunday k!
With love N heart-felt feelings..
Ur utterly stupid lovefy kIe..
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