Preparation was a big effort which took us all, 2 hours?

The result? The purpose?
A ghostly girl staring at the carpark, waiting for her "Him".
And two aunties became friends.
Blending into the culture... at our very best. (But Jye looks nihongen!)

The "main stage area" was happening from 6-8.30pm.
I say, Japanese is really the hardworking lot!

Part of the Japanese School campus in the background

One of the many food stalls.
(Had steamed corn for dinner >.<)

There were stalls selling accesories and kids stuffs....

....But we bought these!

and the cool way of wearing thy masks

Sadly, only three game stalls that day.
The Yoyo Game:
(the water balloon is da yoyo!pretty lasting and easy to play!)
Both of our paper hooks broke on attempt to get second ball.

But Jye's good!

The famous Goldfish game:

Know why I look drowning even when on land?

Because I was trying badly to join in the folk dances:

Many songs and many actions. Me and Ying kept laughing at ourselves for bad limbs coordination. Jye made us danced through many songs! *faints* My head was aching after a few songs, from memorising steps -_- OMG. Luckily I forsake the monies for Salsa classes this semester -.-
We are happy!

To conclude Natsu Matsuri:
Labels: Japanese, summer