Friday, June 29, 2007

Here's Miss Fatty.

ghimmy says:
stomach not well

ghimmy says:
i keep farting

laysh says:

ghimmy says:
bt sound nice

ghimmy says:
and beautiful

ghimmy says:
and cute

laysh says:

laysh says:
can be heard?

laysh says:
u disgusting pig

ghimmy says:
i will show it to u at home

Wednesday, June 27, 2007



依照「一貫道源流」的記載,「一貫道」這個名稱開始於清德宗光緒12年(公元1886年),於山東一帶開始傳教,之後拓展至各地。 一貫道在民間的興盛主要原因是由於傳道者或是組織經常主動的幫助街坊鄰居,教內人士亦是互相幫助,於是一貫道的活動與市井小民的生活緊緊的結合,從而興盛。同時也是因為教徒經常的聚眾活動,引起了當權者的注意,導致當局發佈了禁止一貫道的禁令。 道統中,所謂的青陽期祖師,起源於伏羲氏,若從這觀點來看,道統起於伏羲。又現有東土道統,起於達摩,若從這觀點來看,道統亦可自達摩算起。又根據一貫道的總會說法,路中一是白陽初祖,也是實際上開始以「一貫道」為名而活動的開始,則道統起於路中一。


一貫道的中心主神是明明上帝:「明明上帝 無量清虛 至尊至聖 三界十方 萬靈真宰」,被視為與佛教大日如來、儒家維皇上帝、道家無極聖母等同。根據一貫道的主張,宇宙真理雖只有一,但可經由各種形式依各地風俗民情來顯現,所以世界五大宗教——儒、釋、道、耶、回,分別於世界各地展現真理教化人心的力量,惟其宗旨皆相同無異。一貫道如上所述,是以全面性、無偏頗的真理觀為依歸的宗教。


敬天地,禮神明,愛國忠事,敦品崇禮, 孝父母,重師道,信朋友,和鄉鄰, 改惡向善,講明五倫八德, 闡發五教聖人之奧旨, 恪遵四維綱常之古禮, 洗心滌慮,借假修真,恢復本性之自然, 啟發良知良能之至善,己立立人,己達達人, 挽世界為清平,化人心為良善,冀世界為大同。


一貫道對於吃素的看法,隨著各組線的規定而有些微不同,大體上以奶蛋素為主,亦有部分鮮少吃蛋而吃奶素的。事實上,一貫道對初加入的信眾日常飲食的要求,並未強迫信徒必要遵守嚴格的吃素的規定,大部份初加入一貫道信仰的信眾並非素食者。一貫道信徒可分為兩大類: 得道道親:僅有得道,尚未清口。「得道」類似佛教的皈依,基督教的受洗。此類信眾,不需要非常嚴格遵守吃素戒律,也就是不必完全遵守一貫道對素食的要求。有部份信眾以方便為前題的方式吃素,亦有鍋邊素、逢農曆初一、十五素食者,當然未清口的道親,亦有嚴謹如清口道親的人。 清口道親:通常一信眾得道後,接下來若是能飲食方面足夠嚴謹,當一貫道信眾完成清口的儀式之後,則成為一個完全的蛋奶素素食主義者,從此不再食用葷食。清口儀式是一個信眾向其中心主神(明明上帝)宣誓的儀式。但清口不只是專指飲食,在心靈修養、道德行為上,也要一並提升才是。


一貫道設有家庭佛堂與公共佛堂。個人家庭中設有規模較小的家庭佛堂,而公用道場中則設有公共佛堂。部份較大的道場,另設有講堂,專供講道用。 佛堂所擺設的主要是三盞油燈,左右兩盞代表日月,中間一定會有一盞油燈,代表的是明明上帝無極老母,除此之外,還有主祀神祇。主祀神祇多為儒、釋、道三教人物。一般來說以彌勒祖師(彌勒尊佛)、南海古佛(觀音菩薩)、濟公活佛(降龍羅漢)、孚佑帝君(呂洞賓)、關聖帝君(關雲長)等,做為主祀神祇,部份佛堂兩旁會懸掛祖師像,或懸掛於講堂(講道的場所)。少部份大型佛堂,另設有五教聖人殿(供奉李耳、孔丘、釋迦牟尼、耶穌基督、穆罕默德)、祖師殿(路中一、張天然、孫慧明 等)、天地君親師殿、觀音殿...等。

Sidenote: Solely for those who are interested in my religious belief, and/or are able to read Chinese. (no translation for the moment, swi.)


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Was walking home one day when I saw two Malays squatting and admiring their cages (about 5) of pet birds. All of the sudden, I wished I would have that kind of experience, finding someone with the same interest(s) as me whereby we would just sit down “one corner” and get all excited sharing our experiences and loves.

The next moment as I looked across the streets, I saw a man with his right arm amputated yet walking like how you and I do, swinging our arms as we stroll. I was touched and at the same time filled with admiration, because he is one who accepts his situations and bravely moves onto another phase of his life. Then, I imagined myself in his shoes. I’m most certain that I would probably be too despondent that I would coop myself at home for the rest of my life, or try pushing all blames to others except myself. Like how many would blame God, blame their parents, blame the people who directly or indirectly caused the accident and live in self-deception instead of living the best of out it.

Sometimes, don’t we wonder what life actually is?

Are we born to enjoy the most luxurious food, shelters with our most loved ones? Or perhaps, we are here to learn about life, to experience the goods and bads, the ups and downs. And along with them, we are here to create better lives for others or for ourselves.

Perhaps. Just perhaps. We always have a guardian angel beside us, who will be guiding us on how we should take our lives in our hands, dropping hints and signs that we should stop being angry, jealous, depressed, envious, greedy etc. but being appreciative, grateful, contented etc. And it’s just our faults that we pushed him away.

Sidenote 1: Thank you QRM who had left us. Thank you for creating and leaving an easy path for us to continue our cultivation. I’m glad that I attended the youth camp *.*

Sidenote 2: For those who are meeting the downs in their lives, endure on. You’ll see the rainbow at the end of the day! I’m trying to set positive thinking too. Ganbarimashō!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Things that Snailys do

Dining for my 22nd

each chick represents us *.*

Visit to the Naval Open House 2007

The far right two don't belong to the club...

Becoming ogres for a night
All dressed in green!Digging own ears...and digging others! My first movie marathon that ogre night: Fantastic4 (2) & Shrek(3)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What was the meaning of 22nd?

Celebrating lunar birthday with Miss Fatty (for the 20th time!). She'd gotten cutesy durian cake and icecream cake!

Having a bowl of plain noodles with super salty mushroom and veggies, for dinner >.<

Making Islander card...

Taking a luge ride... Looking spastic on kid's helmet, simply because the adults' are way smelly...eeeks!

It was an easy drive after all... I have potential in becoming a good driver!

Jumping around the beach...

Taking a skyride...
(took off the tv screen, simply too cheapo to pay $10 for developing the photo, not to mention, it was really ugly.)

Enjoying the must-watch Songs of the Sea... the setting
the cast *.*

Being part of the country's images... -.-

Seeing happy and innocent faces...

Making new friend...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hong Kong Trip (8-10May)

Cha Can Ting (unmissable)

Best drink - Herbal Jelly Red Bean Milk

Night Scene beside our hotel. There's a name to this street, but I've forgotten -.-

Women's Street

Lan Gui Fang

The Peak

Madame Tussauds

Ocean Park

Avenue of Stars

To conclude the city...

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