everything's good from 11am-11pm
the day goes...
1100am: Left home.
1110am: Boarded 184 to Clementi Interchange
1137am: Car sms that she'll be late. Ask Swi to save 2 silly seats beside her.
1140am: Boarded 96 to School
1145am: Swi called to inform she'll be late too.
1200pm: Reached school with anxiety 'cos will have to figure how to get to class.
1210pm: Met Car.
1215pm: Met Swi. We managed to get 3 seats in a row despite the crowded lecture.
1216pm: Attempting to listen to South Asia's Geopolitics 3rd Lecture.
1220pm: Begin doodling on Swi's ONLY piece of foolscape paper while listening to She lecturer on topics of India and Pakistan.
1300pm: Pee-a-Poo during the 5min precious break.
1345pm: End of my 1st political science lecture. Say goodbye to Swi. And walked towards the Science building with Car.
1410pm: Reached Munchie Monkeys at last after overcoming stair-and-slope obstacles.
1425pm: My Al Funghi arrived. And we talked about the sun and moon as we tucked in our pastas.
1435pm: Learnt new words from Car, "spad" and "neuter".
1515pm: Shoe arrived at MM. We talked about the stars and then head for next lecture.
1550pm: Reached the next destination, Physics and Bio....
1610pm: Lecturer began his lecture with students Q&As and answered so profoundly that no one understood his intentions nor explanations.
1630pm: Car and I started on our special comic strip, dedicated to us 3 and cc to Prof Liu who went on pronouncing many "synthesis" as "thinthesis".
Sidenote: He is one interesting lecturer who squats up and down to illustrate the dropping of a ball which will not bounce back to the height of the initial position where it fell from, as an analogy of the simple theory that energy used to break the molecular bonds which equates less than zero will never regain positive energy value. I guess that explains the Physics of Life Science afterall.
1710pm: He announced that he'll show a video on DNA replication and students who do not wish to watch can leave the LT. So it was the official end of lecture.
Sidenote: We stayed on and I was constantly being reprimanded by Vet-to-be Car for forgetting what are organelles, mitochrondria, lysosomes, RER etc.
1730pm: End of video.
Sidenote: I had headache literally after watching the video as my brain cells were busy flipping through the old shelves of the brain and the work was so tedious that I could imagine how much pain was inflicted to the person who was regaining past memories after an accident of either temporarily or permanently lost his memories.
1745pm: Shoe abandoned us two for a 'good' cause.
1800pm: Met Swei and Slaw at CoOp.
Sidenote: Proven the curse of "speaking of the devil(s)". We started nice chats altogether. Car & I managed to psycho dear Swei to skip her forensic science lecture for the better cause of seeing dogs&cats in a house and baking a nice cake!
1825pm: All of us on the new car belonging to the Mother of Car. (No pun intended) Conversations in the car are funny and entertaining.
1900pm: Finally arrived at Car's house after braving through the rain and jam.
Sidenote: Mistook the lovely dogs' barks as clanging cans. Shame on a dog-owner.
2030pm: Decided to start baking after the long 1 1/2h playing with Doggy family(Cally,Sephie&Casey) and Catty family (Neko&MauMau).
Sidenote: Was initially feeling duper uneasy with the cats stroking their heads on me and sniffing me. Began to feel better after carrying Neko like a lil baby.
2045pm: Surfing the net for good recipes.
Sidenote: Thanks to Nigella, we got one recipe with lil plain flour needed(Car has 7 different flour, except the plain one!). It was raining and the idea of walking to supermarket for the flour seem somewhat unworthy.
2050pm: Preparation for Operation Dessert began with beating of eggs, creaming of butter and sugar using human handstrength and melting of 350g dark choc.
2130pm: Savour the Molten Chocolate Babycake. Success!

Picture from www.nigella.com.
Our Operation Dessert turns out exactly like in the picture!! Bravo!
The cakes have to be eaten when served hot. The molten choc will ooze and MCBC just tastes so heavenly.
2200pm: Watched JinZhiYuNie while waiting for the 2nd batch of MCBC.
2300pm: Watched good fair of documentary on cats. Know more about Car's Catty Family! Happy Happy =D